Upcoming Circles
April 7, 2020
May 1, 2020
May 7, 2020
June 5, 2020
June 20, 2020
July 5, 2020
August 1, 2020
August 3, 2020
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Faery Gardens Circle
Faery Gardens is our Sacred Circle, based on a blending of traditions. Our Rituals are designed to conform to the teachings of Novus Pagan, and preformed in such a way as to allow all in attendence to practice their own beliefs.
All Rituals are opened by casting the circle with Athame, Salt, and Sage, then Calling the Quarters, We then Invoke the Goddess and God, Tell the story of the season, then we symbolically or physically perform the Great Rite, depending on the Ritual, Make Offerings of Bread and Ale. Then we take time for each person in attendence to make personal offerings to their deities. Once time has passed, we dismiss the quarters and open the circle.
Our approach to Ritual may be different then ones you have attended, because our rituals are designed for groups, but maintain the ability of the individual to also perform a solo ritual with-in the group.
Our rituals are Skyclad. And we restrict attendance to those who have demonstrated a level of understanding of our beliefs. All Rituals are by invite only, But, You MAY ask to be invited.